How to Contact Us

Guiding Star Grange #1
401 Chapman Street, Greenfield MA 01301-1734
(413) 772-0501

For more specific questions

For kitchen rentals, please contact:
Steve Ball, kitchen[at]guidingstargrange [dot] org
For all other rentals, please contact:
Dusti Dufresne, 413-834-8881, rentals[at]guidingstargrange [dot] org
Grange organization
To reach the Grange organization, contact:
Ruth Henry, 413-773-7466, questions[at]guidingstargrange [dot] org
Booking regular dances
Each of our dance series—1st Fridays, 3rd Saturdays, and so forth—is handled by a different organizer, each of whom rents our hall for a specific time slot. Please use the contact information in the Events calendar for the specific date you're interested in. If there is no existing calendar event for the date you're interested in, or your question is more complicated, please contact rentals[at]guidingstargrange [dot] org for more assistance.
Lost and found
If you are looking for an item you may have left behind at our hall during a dance or other public event, you are welcome to come and look for it yourself during any other time the building is open to the public; the bin for lost and found objects is in our main floor cloakroom. For especially valuable items or other urgent questions, please contact the organizer of the event you attended, using the contact information provided in the event's calendar listing. See the Events calendar for more information about either case.
Web site help
Please send comments/questions/issues about this web site to:
lydia ievins, webmaster[at]guidingstargrange [dot] org